Cyril Zipfel // Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Zürich-Basel Plant Science Center University of Zürich, Switzerland
Plants genomes encode hundreds of cell surface-localized receptor kinases that control almost all aspects of plant life, ranging from reproduction, growth to responses to the external environment. Using receptor kinases that function as immune receptors by perceiving microbial elicitors, we are studying the molecular basis of plant immunity, but also more generally how plant receptor kinases work at the mechanistic level. Using the leucine-rich repeat receptor kinases FLS2 and EFR (which perceive bacterial flagellin and EF-Tu, respectively) as model systems, we are investigating how plant receptor kinases function as part of multimeric protein complexes at the plasma membrane – often in complex with other receptor kinases, which act as regulatory proteins. I will present our recent work that uncovered the importance of these regulatory receptor kinases and receptor kinase-associated proteins in controlling the assembly and activity of functional heteromeric receptor complexes. Special Biology Seminar: Biological Sciences room 3110, Monday June 3, 11:30 - 12:30 |
February 2021