Visualizing replication stress in yeast models of genome instabilityDNA replication stress can promote genome instability and cancer. We test fission yeast for the effects of DNA replication stress using genetic and high-resolution microscopy methods. We have seen that interesting differences between replication mutant yeast become apparent after S-phase stress is over: the recovery phase post-instability. This suggests that the recovery phase is an important time when cells that survive might be distinguished from cells that die. We are now testing how replication instability caused by cancer chemotherapy drugs is influenced by cellular environment. Yeast is an ideal tool to determine the genetic contributions of drug-sensitivity and resistance that may promote better patient response to chemotherapeutics. Ideally, drug-surviving cells can be identified with biomarkers found during long-term, live-cell imaging. 11:30-12:30 BioSci Rm. 3110
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February 2021